
The Wyoming State Library has access to current and historical Wyoming newspapers

Are you looking for access to current and historical Wyoming newspapers? The Wyoming State Library can help you access these resources. Please read for more information about various newspaper resources. 

Current Newspapers--Selected Databases

A multidisciplinary database that includes New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, The Times (London), and many more.

Full text newspapers such as Fort Collins Coloradoan, Washington Post, Oregonian, & Chicago Tribune.

A full-text database of more than 1000 newspapers. Includes Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Denver Post, Greeley Tribune.

Proquest Newspapers
Proquest Newspapers covers more than 150 subject areas and has full text coverage of the Wall Street Journal and L.A. Times, as well as the regional Gannett newspaper collections and Proquest Historical Newspapers.

Regional Business News incorporates 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Includes ColoradoBiz and Colorado Business Magazine, Utah Business, Montana Business Quarterly.

Wyoming Newspapers

  • Wyoming State Archives

    The Wyoming State Archives houses the largest, most complete collection of Wyoming newspapers in existence from 1867 to the present


  • Wyoming Newspapers

    Discover the stories that formed Wyoming. Browse or search the more than 900,000 newspaper pages converted from microfilm to a digital format. All text is searchable, including news articles, news briefs, obituaries and other items of interest.

Historical Newspapers--Selected Databases

Search multiple Gale archival newspaper collections at the same time, including: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers, The Times Digital Archive, British Library Newspapers, and more.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers included:
American and Jewish Messenger (1857-1922), The Arizona Republican (1890-1922), The Irish Times (1859-2011), Los Angeles Times (1881-1989), and many more.
Use Advanced Search to narrow to historical newspapers.